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December 20, 2024Do Amish Pay Taxes? A Quick and easy Guide
Do Amish pay taxes? This is a common question that many people have when it comes to the Amish communities. The answer is yes, Amish individuals do pay taxes, but there are certain taxes that they are exempt from paying. Due to their religious beliefs, the Amish church is exempt from paying Social Security and Medicare taxes. This means that they do not contribute to these programs and do not receive Social Security benefits. However, they still pay income tax, property tax, sales tax, and local taxes.
When it comes to state income taxes, the Amish are also exempt from paying them in some states. Additionally, self-employed Amish individuals are not required to pay Federal Unemployment Tax and are exempt from FICA and FUTA taxes. This exemption is based on their religious beliefs and their traditional way of life.
Even though Amish do not pay certain taxes, they still contribute to their communities by paying property taxes and school taxes. Overall, the Amish do pay taxes, but the taxes they are required to pay are limited due to their religious exemption.